Amelie Loves Cheerios

Amelie April 5, 2011
Click on the photo to see album

Hello all. First an update about the surgery. Amelie did great and is a real trooper. I will do a more detailed post, but they were able to accomplish their goals today and we are really excited to see how it will look in three weeks when they remove her cast. After a 3 hour nap today she was up and about playing and laughing with Nadia. The cast is a bit frustrating for her, but I think she will be ignoring it soon.

Here are some photos and a video that Mike took yesterday to show how well she was using her hands before the surgery.


Amelie April 5, 2011

Amelie April 5, 2011

Trying Out My New Camera

Last week I got a Canon 7D to replace my 10D, which in the digital SLR camera world is now almost equivalent to stone knives and bear skins (actually it’s not that bad…it is probably more like having a musket). It was the top-of-the-line “prosumer” camera when I got it about 6+ years ago, and I think it is still a great camera, but there are quite a few features that the 7D has that I wanted, and I figured is was finally time for an upgrade. I also got a new, more versatile zoom lens that’s pretty highly rated (an EF-S 15-85mm, just in case anyone actually cares). Although it’s not quite “pro” quality, because those lenses run about 3-5 times the price, I’m still pretty satisfied.

Several days ago I gave them a good test, setting up a white backdrop and some flashes, and did a mini-photo shoot of Nadia. I’ve never done this sort of shoot with her before. Seven months ago I did a little session for Christmas with the tree in the background, and well over a year ago I did a shoot of her at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens, which was fantastic. But I was anxious to see how this setup with the white backdrop would turn out, because it is my favorite style and I think it’s what I do best. She was NOT cooperative at all, but I pushed through it and I think they turned out fabulous. I’m quite pleased. I ended up with 47 shots that I thought were worth saving, and I’ve posted what I think are the top 22. Below are several of my favorites. Click on the first picture to see the whole album on the Photos page.

June 29, 2010
Click the above photo to view the whole album.

June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010
This one sums up her attitude through much of the shoot. 🙂