Sidewalk Advocates for Life

In September my friend Miriam and I attended the Sidewalk Advocates for Life banquet with guest speaker Abby Johnson. They are doing a great work in a peaceful way, you can visit their site here. I had heard Abby speak at the Pro-Life Women’s Conference in June and I knew that Miriam would enjoy hearing from her. Abby’s story of running a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas is heartbreaking, but also encouraging because of the work she does now. She speaks the truth about what happens in clinics and works to get abortion workers out of the business. You can find out more about her work here.

Silly selfies before the banquet started.

With Abby Johnson after the program.

Destiny and I. She rocks.

My Mom and the Cowboys!

My mom has been a Cowboys fan since she was 10 years old. To say that seeing them play at Cowboy’s Stadium has been a lifelong dream would be an understatement. A friend gave her 2 pre-season tickets and a parking pass so she came on out to visit us and go to the game. I picked her up at the airport and then we went for a late lunch at Heim Barbeque. She was so happy to finally try the food. The rest of the day and evening was spent playing with the girls.

The next day Nonnie spent more time playing with the girls. Then it was time to get ready for the game. Warning – my mom was so excited we took a lot of selfies. HA!

Success at crossing something off my mom’s bucket list! It was so wonderful to share this with her. And I found myself getting into the game and yelling like everyone else. And now the Cowboys are having their best season in years. I say it’s because my Mom finally made it to a game.

Later the next day we had to take Nonnie back to the airport, but we loved the whirlwind visit! Love you Mom! PS. Happy Birthday to you since this post is going up on your birthday!