Nadia has lots of Grandmas to love her. She has met Louanne’s mom “Nonni”, Louanne’s Grammie who is the “Great Grammie”, Mike’s Aunt Joy who is “Aunt Grandma” and Kaye Jordan from church who is her “God Grandma”. She met Grandma Linda (Mike’s mom) on our August Road trip and she met Grandma Brooke on Labor Day. Eventually we are going to Albuquerque to meet her Great Grandma Johns. Lot of love for this baby!
Labor Day 2007 brings visitors!

Nadia’s Grandpa Greg, Grandma Brooke and Aunt Bayli came up from Houston this weekend to meet the lovely and cute thing! On Sunday Grandma Brooke cooked a fabulous Tuscan dinner including a yummy asparagus appetizer and lasagna with crusty bread. Grammie, Uncle Roger and Aunt Paula joined us for dinner and “Nadia Watching”. My dad asked if I just played with her all day and I said, “Yeah, when she’s not sleeping 🙂 ” Nadia showed everyone how well she can crawl and pull up on the furniture and her mastery of the Curiosity Cube which Aunt Bayli gave her. That is really the coolest toy and it’s perfect for Nadia because she is so inquisitive and likes to figure out her toys. She plays with it everyday and has figured out how to work all 6 sides.
Sunday marked our 6th week with Nadia and Mike and I just feel that we are so blessed. It is surreal to us sometimes that this sweet baby really is a part of our family. Yesterday I told Mike that it seems like she has been with us forever and it’s really hard to believe that we waited so long and then travelled half way around the world to get her. I have continued to take her on my KIDS HOPE interviews this week and she just has fun playing and checking out new people.
Nadia cruised all along the couch last Thursday to get to Daddy and she made really good time. She waved and said, “Ba ba” to Shirley and Grammie on Thursday also. She seems to get the idea of bye bye, but uses it sporadically. She continues to say Ma ma and Da da, but hasn’t quite put together that we are Momma and Dada. I really think she is on the edge though by how she reacts when you say, “Where is Dada?” or things like that. When Mike got home from work last night, I said, “There’s Dada.” and she immediately turned for the door to the pantry. And of course she got SO EXCITED to see Mike and started her little breathing heavy laughing thing that she does. It’s really cute!
Nadia receives her Certificate of Citizenship!
Mike checked the mail today and Nadia received her first piece of mail….her Certificate of Citizenship from the United States of America!!
Included was a letter from the President welcoming her to this country and how her family must be very proud of her on this day. I looked at the photo and the first thing I said was, “Look how much her hair has grown.” And Mike commented on how much she has filled out. She was a tiny little thing in China and look at her now!
10 Months Old
Hi all! Nadia turned 10 months old yesterday and had her big check up. She has grown 1 inch and gained 2 pounds since the 3rd!! WOO HOO!!! She has those cute little baby legs and baby belly that are so kissable now. She got her boosters and blood drawn and didn’t cry, just fussed a little. All afternoon she was pleasant and doesn’t try to pick at the band-aids or anything….apparently because they don’t have holes to poke your finger in and they aren’t shiny 🙂
We are very excited that the doctor said she is doing so well. She said, “Usually at this point I am trying to help parents get the children to sleep through the night, but she’s not having any issues.”
Nadia has been joining me on KIDS HOPE USA interviews and other errands this week and she is just so sweet. She just checks everything out about our surroundings and watches the people that we meet. She even joined me at the church staff meeting and just played with my hands and her toys.