Aunt Jane / I got TAGGED

First off I want to say HELLO to my Aunt Jane. I know you are a loyal reader of the blog and I just want you to know that you can email me anytime 🙂 Jen has reported your question asking to me. Hee hee. I also want you to know that your post way back on August 1st when we were coming home was one of the sweetest things and I cried happy tears at it. Love you!

Next, I was tagged by Sindy at and I am supposed to list 7 things you may not know about me.
The rules are to link the person who sent this to you and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours. Post the rules on your blog. Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here is the list of things you may not know about me:

  1. Mike proposed to me in a hot air balloon as we floated over Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth.
  2. David Copperfield made me vanish in his act during a show in Las Vegas. (no I wasn’t “offered” a trip to his island….HA HA)
  3. Cookies are my favorite food group.
  4. I once sang in the fanfare choir at Disneyland during their Christmas service. It happens every year and one choir is picked to be the ones on the cool Christmas tree made of people. James Earl Jones was the narrator the year I sang.
  5. I was the high school mascot my freshman year. It was a lion costume with a big crown.
  6. I took a ride in the CareFlite helicopter after almost dying in a car accident where the car rolled 4.5 times.
  7. I moved 17 times as a child and went to at least as many schools. No, I wasn’t a military brat, I was a restaurant brat.

Now here are the blogs I want to tag. I have at least 20, so I narrowed it down to people that I don’t know some random things about. 🙂

  1. Terri at
  2. Christina at
  3. Gina at
  4. Tracy at
  5. Mutha at
  6. Kiy at
  7. Mama at


Joplin 2008
Joplin 2008 (click to see album)

We decided to run up to MO last weekend so that Mike’s mom, sister, Stoney and Nadia’s cousins could see her one more time before we went to China. The last time they saw her was August 11th and that’s just a lifetime in baby growth. We drove up Friday and back Sunday, but it was nice to visit with everyone. It was basically a room full of adults watching Nadia be cute, but what’s more fun than that? (hey, I know I am biased)

Jade, Gwen and Nadia

Grandma and Nadia

Jade, Gwen and Nadia

15 months old!

These photos are from Nadia and Mike playing this morning! She was laughing like crazy and having a great time! She has gained half a pound in the last month, but stayed the same height. She is still trending up on the weight which is great, but she is just going to be our petite little girl. In Carter’s brand she is still wearing 9 month clothes, same for the Miniwear brand from Babies R Us. In Target, Children’s Place and Old Navy she is wearing 12 month stuff, but most of it is baggy around her middle 🙂

She continues to amaze us with how much she can understand and the tons of words she is trying to mimic now. Her favorite foods are still mac and cheese and yogurt. She also loves to snack on Cheerios, GoldFish and Honey Graham Sticks. She will eat veggies most any time they are offered and is still not a fan of the sweet stuff which is good. She climbed up on the ottoman last night and has tried several times this morning to get up on the couch. It’s a matter of time before she will be climbing on everything.

Here are a couple of cute stories. The other day we were at the mall and this kid went by us crying with their parent and Nadia was watching as always and she looked at him and went, “Ohhhhhh.” Like, ‘That’s too bad he’s crying.’ The other day she was on my lap and getting very wiggly so I said, “Can you play momma a song on the piano?” She got off the couch, walked over to her xylophone/piano, picked it up and put it on the ottoman and started to play away. She looked up to make sure I was watching and I clapped and danced along with her. When her concert was over, she put it back where she picked it up.

She loves to “clean” like us. When she sees me getting out a Clorox wipe now she points and makes noise to get one herself. I give her a paper towel instead and she will proceed to clean my legs, the floor, the carpet, her toys… get the idea. It’s so funny that she thinks she needs to be doing the same thing as me all the time. When I am folding clothes, she will go through the basket to get the dryer sheet out so that she can “clean” with it. Too cute!

The photos below are of Nadia will a couple of “hats” on. She won’t wear regular hats and one of my November buddies suggested it was because I wasn’t getting her the “right” kind of hat! So pillows and colanders are in, real hats still out!

Jan 2008

Jan 2008

6 months with Nadia

January 2008
January 2008 (click to see album)

What can I say? She’s awesome! Six months ago today Nadia was placed in our arms. Our life has changed in so many ways, but we just love being parents! That God chose this wonderful girl to be a part of our life is a privilege and a blessing. I don’t have words to express how full my heart is – it’s like I don’t have enough room in my chest for my heart!

It’s too fun to see all the new things she is learning to do and say. She has been mimicking our words a lot in the last two weeks and I would say that she has about 10 words that she says that she knows the meaning of. She can understand many more words and that amazes us. She hardly ever gets fussy unless she is tired. She sleeps through the night except for one bottle between 4-6 am. She is also taking 2 naps a day still that are very good length (yeah for Me!).

Her latest antics are to run in place like she is getting ready for the river dance. To spin around in circles. To “drive” her little zoo keeper car around on the furniture or on Mom and Dad – while making little baby engine sounds. She is learning the sounds that animals make which is beyond cute.

Mike and Nadia

Sweet girl