Gift from Nonni and Papa

My mom sent this outfit at Christmas, but it was still a bit big for Nadia. I put it on today and it’s just precious!!! The first shots feature the dancing queen with the ever popular Learn and Groove.

Followed by Peek A Boo!

And finally “STOP taking photos mom!!”

The Big 30! (inches that is)

For the last few days I have been thinking Nadia is taller. So this morning we measured her. She has grown .75 inches in the last 2 weeks pushing her up to the 30″ mark! I weighed her too, but that’s the same – 19 1/2 pounds. But now her 9 month yoga pants look like capris. Hee hee. Time to break out some 12 month pants.

Happy Valentines Day!

And Happy 132nd Anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell filing the patent for the telephone! He beat his competitor by 2 hours and how different is the world because of the phone 🙂

Nadia’s Great Grammie came over to play today. I made homemade mac and cheese and funfetti cupcakes! Yum!

Reading and Playing!


Grammie Grammie

These cupcakes are so yummy!



Did I get all the crumbs?


Cuteness for your Wednesday afternoon

Here is a little Nadia cuteness.

How much fun can you have with a wrapping paper roll? A LOT!!

Feb 2008

Feb 2008 Feb 2008

Here she was putting her crayons in the tube and WHOOSH they flew out on the floor. Which was followed by “UH OH!!”

Feb 2008

Feb 2008

Feb 2008

A little “jail” time.

Feb 2008

Feb 2008

Feb 2008

Click the photo below to go to the photos page to see all of the February shots so far.

February 2008
February 2008 (click to see album)