The Bracelet Girl

Bracelet Girl
Bracelet Girl (click to see album)

We have been busy around here, but I wanted to post a couple of shots of the cute girl. She has turned her link-a-doos into bracelets these days. Also the tops of her old Nuby sippy cups. Last night when Mike came home she wanted on his shoulders and then to go look at herself in the mirror (it’s a regular routine for them). Once there she pointed at his glasses, then my glasses then pointed towards the kitchen and said, “Glasses.” I said, “Do you want yours?” And she nodded. So we added the glasses and I took a few photos. Once back in the living room she said, “Neck, neck” for her necklace and the outfit was complete. She cracks me up!!!



And here she is trying to walk with Mike’s slippers on. Way cute!


The Zoo – with new friends

Zoo - May 1st 2008
Zoo - May 1st 2008 (click to see album)

Many of you who read this blog also frequent Today Nadia and I met up with some fellow adoptive moms from that website and their daughters at the Fort Worth Zoo. It was so fun to meet some people who have adoptive daughters and who went through the roller coaster that is China adoption like we did. For me it was also interesting because you find that everyone comes from such a different background and you never would have met them if you hadn’t adopted. We should have got a group shot with the moms too at the beginning before the girls got too tired, but I didn’t think of it.

I had a great time today and I am so glad that we were able to meet up with these ladies and meet their wonderful daughters. All 4 girls are from Jiangxi province too. By the way, the dress Nadia is wearing we got in Beijing when Kiki and went haggling at the Silk Market. It’s the first time we put her in it. Hi Kiki!

New Friends

Zoo Zoo

The zoo was jam packed today. From the time I exited University (forgot to take Forest Park – never will again though!) to the time I met them at the gate it was 40 minutes. A woman at the zoo told me that there was 61 bus loads of kids dropped off today and I believe it!! I have never seen so many people at the zoo, but we were still able to get around. I was so grateful that we had a membership so I didn’t have to stand in line for tickets!

The penguins were just being fed when we walked in, so that was cool. Nadia got to see them swim this time. Last time we went they were all huddled up in the corner and scared. Nadia liked the Elephants best this time. She got really excited when one of them started walking towards us. Then when it walked out of sight she practically tried to crawl up me to get a better view. We all had lunch together and then headed home because the girls were so tired! Nadia was asleep before we got to the freeway.


A month already?

Lollipop (click to see album)

“It’s been a month??”

Mike and I can’t believe that we have been home from China for a month already. The time has seemed to fly past since we came home from the trip! We are so glad we went, but some days it seems amazing that we already spent a month there and came home 🙂

Nadia got another lollipop from Lindsay at the bank and so here are some shots of her enjoying it today. She is not a big sweets girl, so I got to finish it for her.


Lollipop Lollipop

Happy 18 Months Sweet Girl!

April 22, 2008

Nadia is 18 months old today! She weighed 20 pounds 2 ounces and measured 31.25 inches. Yay for finally breaking 20 pounds. On the height/weight chart that puts her at 3% for weight and 50% for height. So you can imagine what an adventure finding the right clothing is for her. Thanks again to everyone who gave us their hand-me-downs because we are working with a wide variety of styles and brands in 12 and 18 month sizes. The only thing we needed to buy her this spring was summer time jammies. She didn’t “need” the adorable dress we got her at Kohl’s this weekend, but it was too cute to pass up and on sale!

We have been commenting lately that Nadia is talking a lot and seems to be way ahead of most other kids in her receptive learning. My dad kept commenting that he thought there was actually an adult in her body, not a toddler when they visited last weekend. So, we decided last Monday to start counting how many words she is able to say. We were amazed that she is actually at about 160 words right now…and adds probably 5-10 words to her vocabulary ever day. I would say that she says about half of them clearly and the other half can only be understood by us, but the pediatrician said that those still count because she is able to make us understand what word she is saying and can make her needs known. The doctor also said that she has never seen a child of that age do so well. This is also quite amazing when you consider that she didn’t hear a single word of English until she was nine months old. And she is also starting to combine words, which is really great. Some examples are: “Dada go”, “please pretzel”, “come on”, and “Mama UP”. Oh and by the way…..she doesn’t know the word “MINE”

Here are some more 18 month Nadia facts:

  • When she first wakes up she just laughs and smiles, and the sweetness of it overwhelms us.
  • Her favorite toy is still the stacking cups. She just does different things with them now than she did 9 months ago.
  • She loves to be read to. And most days she will sit by the shelf where her books are and read to herself for awhile.
  • I have started taking her to the library to pick out books. I think she will really like story time there when she is a few months older.
  • She knows all the animals in her Little People zoo (there’s 26 of them) and many of the sounds.
  • Speaking of sounds: this girl is a major sound effects child. I really think she is going to be the only girl she hangs out with who knows how to do sound effects well. Almost anything she hears that is out of the ordinary, she will copy. She imitates horns honking, timers beeping, cars driving, animal sounds, coughs, laughs, musical instruments, and on and on.
  • Yogurt is still her favorite food.
  • Mac and Cheese is high on the list too.
  • She still doesn’t like fruit. Or sweets for that matter except vanilla ice cream or the occasional muffin.
  • She can super-speed crawl up the steps to the second floor of our house in about half a second, but she doesn’t know how to climb back down them. So her self-conceived solution is to say, “up” to us, expecting us to pick her up and carry her back down them…so that she can immediately climb right back up them again.
  • She loves to wave at people and will give you “5”
  • She is truly our shadow. She wants to mimic or try everything we do. Or at least be right on top of us or sitting on our feet when we are trying to accomplish a task. This also goes for repeating words.
  • We are still bathing her in the kitchen sink and she loves it. It’s splash city!
  • We bought a back-up “baby” for her since her original one is getting pretty worn. Then we put it in the crib in the hope that she would get used to it, since it’s a different color. That way if necessary we could put away the old one. She now has to have both babies at bedtime…and actually says, “babies” now instead of “baby”. HA HA!
  • She loves to be tickled and her laugh is the most precious sound I have ever heard.
  • She is still sleeping about 12 hours a night. More and more she is only having 1 nap a day instead of 2.
  • She has started to have little tantrums and show a bit of her will. But we don’t back down on the rules and the tantrums are very short…just a few seconds long. We are hoping to pass the terrible 2’s early 🙂
  • For most car rides she sings along with the music on the radio. She seems to prefer classic rock to all other music. CCR and James Taylor are big hits when we are out running errands. Her singing consists of “ba ba ba ba” to the beat. When the song fades she yells out ALL DONE and then she starts singing along with the next one. She does this in stores too when she hears the songs change.
  • Music also leads to dancing. Even if it’s just the background music on a commercial when I have the news on. In the car she waves her arms around to the beat.
  • She loves brushing her teeth.
  • She says, “thank you” now regularly. Buckle her up in the car, “thank you.” Give her a cracker, “thank you.” Fix the clip in her hair, “thank you.”
  • She also says, “xie xie”…which is Chinese for “thank you.” 🙂
  • She loves to be on Mike’s shoulders. She gets so excited and asks me to do it, but I’m not strong enough for that.
  • Once on Mike’s shoulders she will say, “Walk, walk” because she wants to go out around the neighborhood.
  • She said “I love you” for the first time the other day. She said it to Mike as we were leaving the house, and it was crystal clear.

That’s all I can think of for now, but I just have to say that she is just so fun!!! Watching her learn is such an amazing blessing.