Click the photo above to see the photos for the week.
It’s been a busy week for us. Nadia started her swim lessons with Jennifer (http://www.infantaquatics.com/jenniferdelacruz.htm) and although she really didn’t want to do it at first because of the whole “I don’t like strangers thing,” I think that she is going to do really well. Even from day 1 to day 2 the teacher was impressed with her improvement. On the third day a little water went up her nose while trying to float and so the teacher got her upright and Nadia said, “Nose. Hurt.” and Jennifer said, “I know, a little water went up your nose.” Nadia took one look at the pool and smacked the water really hard. I started laughing so hard because I could just see her thinking, “I’ll show you, Pool Water!!!” Here are a few photos from this week.
Mike and I got bikes last weekend as an anniversary present and we got a Burley Bee trailer for Nadia to ride in safety and style. I think it’s going to be great fun going out as a family and getting some exercise.
And yesterday we got some trees installed in our front and back yard. We have lived here nearly 9 years and done basically nothing to our yard, but with Nadia enjoying being outside so much we thought it was finally time to do something to it. The guys from Native Shade tree farm in Azle had to work really hard in the back because the dirt is about as solid as bedrock back there. Oh, and in the photo of our front yard, you can see our new porch swing, which Nadia loves!
Here is the Bald Cypress:
The Red Oaks: