A Year Today!!!

It’s hard to believe that one year ago today the most wonderful child was placed in our arms. God has blessed us with Nadia and she is a delight to have as a part of our life. I remind myself so often that we thought our wait would be so short and then Nadia wasn’t even born until 1 year after our paperwork was in China. I can’t imagine any other child for us.

Here is a little walk down memory lane (I am working on a 1 year video which will be posted here…someday).

1 Year Today
1 Year Today (click to see album)

July 2008

July 2008

In China July 2007 July 2008

In China July 2007 July 2008

Video from Jiangxi Reunion

The weekend of the 11th we traveled to Austin for our first travel group reunion. 6 of the 9 families were able to make it and we had a wonderful time. Once I have all the photos uploaded, I will post more about the weekend, but I just wanted to share the little video I made of the girls.

Thankful Thursday

Paula, Nadia, Brooke, Greg

Today I am thankful for Skype. In the last few days I have talked to Jen in Costa Rica, Michelle in London and Tahni in Senegal, Africa. The only call that cost anything was to Tahni because I just called her African cell phone. And it was only .26 a minute. To call AFRICA!!! So cool.

And I am thankful for family. Last night Roger and Paula had us over for dinner because Papa Greg and Grandma Brooke were in town. It was nice to just visit with everyone. And for the best Peach Cobbler I have ever had!!! You rule Roger!

Nadia, Grandpa, Grandma

We rocked Nadia’s world!

We turned her car seat around! Nadia hit 21 pounds this week and it’s just too hot for her in the car with the seat rear facing. I got ready with the camera in the passenger seat and Mike brought her out to put her in. She looked totally confused at first, then she was looking all around. Then we left for Austin and I think that she thought it was funny to be able to see me without the mirror. Here are a few photos of her surprise and curiosity.

Car Seat Changes

Car Seat Changes

Car Seat Changes

Car Seat Changes