Progress on the backyard

Our big project of the year has been to re-do the back yard. (okay, to actually DO something to the backyard is more like it). So a little photo show of what has been accomplished so far. We are totally loving the new stamped concrete patio and the fabulous job Monster Constructors did on it.


Backyard Before
Patio - Before and After (click to see album)


Backyard During

Backyard After, Before the furniture

Finished!!!! (if you look closely you can see our new gutters too)

Backyard After, with Furniture

Backyard After, Texas Bench

Here is a view of the patio where you can see the new fence.

Backyard After


Fun Photos

August 9, 2008
August 9, 2008 (click to see album)

Click on the photo above to see the whole set. Mike took these after coming home from Nadia’s 2nd haircut. Notice the cute braid 🙂 I won’t be attempting that any time soon as she is way too wiggly.

I think we have another photographer in the family.

Second Haircut

Second Haircut

Second Haircut

What do your kids see?

I saw this on Kiy’s blog today and I had to post it here because it’s so awesome.

If you as parents cut corners, your children will too. If you lie, they will too. If you spend all your money on yourselves and tithe no portion of it for charities, colleges, churches, synagogues, and civic causes, your children won’t either. And if parents snicker at racial and gender jokes, another generation will pass on the poison adults still have not had the courage to snuff out.
~ Marian Wright Edelman

All Gone!

During the women’s gymnastics on Friday night I ate the last tube of these wonderful Orange Ritz from China. 🙁 We brought 3 packs home with us in March and I have been stringing them out to make them last. But I was getting worried that they would go bad and decided to finish them off while enjoying the Olympics mania going on in our house.