Papa had a Boo Boo

Papa's Got a Boo Boo
Papa's Got a Boo Boo (click to see album)

I love this one of her checking out the hospital bed!

My dad had back fusion surgery on Friday morning, so we made the drive down to Houston to be with him and Grandma Brooke this weekend. Even though the surgery went well, he will be there a couple more days because the surgery itself was so invasive. They found that the damage was much worse than the test showed, but now he has 4 shiny new screws and a bionic disc in his back 🙂 We made many trips to the hospital Nadia would say, “Papa. Boo boo?!?” And we would say, “Yes, Papa has a boo boo and we are going to visit him.” She was a hit with all the nurses on my dad’s floor just being her cute little self. Here she is waiting for Papa to come out of recovery.

Houston - Part 1

Houston - Part 1

Nadia was entertained by Cowboy Jack the dog at the condo. She tried to share her sugar snap peas with him and he wasn’t going for it.

Houston - Part 1

Houston - Part 1


This Monday we went to the mall. Nadia saw the Carousel when we were grabbing some dinner at the Food Court. We told her she could ride it after we ate and she settled down happily. After riding the carousel we were getting her loaded into the stroller and I looked up just at the moment that a little boy (about 7 or 8 ) was asking his father a question.

The child (speaking very politely): “Can I ride the carousel?”

The dad (with a condescending voice): “No! That is for little boys.”

Right then the boy looked crushed and heartbroken. He put his head down and kept walking along side his father.

And I just wanted to scream “He IS a little boy!!!”

If you don’t have the time or the $2, just tell the child no, but think about how you speak to your kids. To see that little child’s face fall just hurt my heart.

Uh huh…..Mm hmm

While waiting on me to run inside a store this exchange was started by Nadia. Who knows where she got it, but it was really funny and she has been doing it all day today too. When we both repeat after her she really starts laughing.

Nadia: Uh huh (imagine this with lots of feeling)

Mike: Uh huh

Naida: Mm hmm

Mike: Mm hmm

Naida: Uh huh

Mike: Uh huh

Nadia: Mm hmm

Mike: Mm hmm

This continues for a couple of minutes before she starts laughing.

Nadia: Monkey!

Mike: (he’s laughing as he says) “Yes, you are a monkey.”

She continues to entertain us with her sense of humor and new things she comes up with. She is so expressive when she does this kind of thing and then she gives us that sweet smile of hers. Pure joy!

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful and grateful to God that He gave us Nadia and that we have not faced any major issues with her since coming home. Nadia is a joy and a delight and she is right on target on all her developmental areas. She is petite and always will be, but she is strong and healthy. We are so blessed that God found us worthy to be her parents and to be her family.

I am also thankful for my KIDS HOPE USA volunteers who had to find out today that their mentor children had not returned to the school. My little one has not returned and I have not been able to get a hold of his mom and so I have no idea where they are. My volunteers are tough and they love God and know that He let them be a part of those kids’ lives for a reason, even if they didn’t get to say goodbye. I am grateful that they are going to stay in the program and volunteer to help another child.