Nadia is 23 months old today. She has grown an inch in the last 2 weeks and is now 33″ and 22 pounds 2 ounces. This actually moved her to 5% on the weight chart for the first time ever!
In honor of today I offer 23 funny things Nadia says or does right now that make us smile.
- “Take care you” – she says this when she wants to hear “God will take care of you” in the car. The Plumb version is her favorite song.
- “Monkey” – she says this anytime she knows she has been funny or silly. We call her this all the time.
- “uh mah nuh” this is how she says I love you
- “Welcome” this immediately follows uh mah nuh, like “you’re welcome that I said I love you”
- “Coo coo bird” this is a request to watch her favorite episode of Jack’s Big Music show. I really want to get her saying it on video because it’s so cute.
- “Shuga peas” this is her request for raw sugar peas fresh out of the fridge. It’s a favorite snack of hers.
- When I go in the closet to get ready in the morning Nadia closes the door and says, “Close you in!”
- “Dink” – this is how she says drink and she has great hand motions for it.
- When she hears any form of hip hop type music she says, “Eddie” and does the hand motions he taught her when they came to visit.
- “Crash!” – what she says to Mike when she wants to play the airplane game.
- “Shuh luh luh luh” – what she says when she wants Mike to put her on his shoulders. This is generally said while spinning in a circle at his feet.
- “Pony!” – what she says when she wants me to put her hair in a pony tail.
- She sometimes wants to pick out her outfits. Pink is the favorite color choice of this week.
- “Mama funny” – I hear this all the time when we are going about our day. So super cute!
- “Come and sit, peeeease!”
- Since starting her weekly music class almost anything is turned into a drum. She is also teaching her stuffed chicken how to drum, but he has a little trouble with loud beats since he only has wings.
- The other day Mike asked her if she wanted to get down and she said, “I love down!”
- When she thinks something is pretty or exciting she gives a super animated, “Ohhhh or Ahhhh!!!”
- She now feeds and changes all her stuffed animals. They all need to eat mac and cheese and nuggets and have their diapers changed.
- Her favorite food is black olives.
- “Song, song!”
- “Careful Mama” – the first time she said this was when I almost ran into a broom handle sticking out of our cart at Lowes. That little voice was so sweet.
- She notices trash on the ground or floor everywhere and always says, “UH OH!!”