Unlike many people I know and much to my sister Michelle’s chagrin, I don’t get upset about my birthday. I LOVE my birthday! With it being a Friday I automatically turned it into a birthday weekend. HA! So Thursday Nadia and I met some friends at the zoo.
Then Friday morning my good friend Laura and her daughter met Nadia and I at a Nail Spa for pedicures. They chose a green tea pedicure, but I chose CHOCOLATE! I smelled like a candy bar for the next 6 hours. It was awesome! Here we are at the nail spa.
Nadia was so well behaved and after about half an hour she started to work the room entertaining the staff and other customers while I was enjoying the relaxing pedicure. After that we all headed to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch and it was fantastic. Nadia had the best time with Laura and Teresa.
I grabbed some to go food for Mike and ran it by his office. He had a dozen long stem red roses waiting there for me!! So sweet. Then we headed home and relaxed and Nadia had a nap. Then that night it was time for class 1 of my Course 3 cake class. On Saturday we went shopping to spend some gift cards that I had and by working a typical Louanne deal I got 3 pairs of pants and 2 shirts at NYC and still had some cash left on my gift card. Then I picked up a free pair of shoes with my birthday coupon from DSW! All in all it was great fun!
And Nadia’s new thing is to hide and then call for you if you don’t come looking fast enough. The morning of my birthday I heard, “Mama, mama!” When I opened the door, this is what I saw.