My Birthday Fun!

Louanne's Birthday
Louanne's Birthday (click to see album)

Unlike many people I know and much to my sister Michelle’s chagrin, I don’t get upset about my birthday. I LOVE my birthday! With it being a Friday I automatically turned it into a birthday weekend. HA! So Thursday Nadia and I met some friends at the zoo.


Then Friday morning my good friend Laura and her daughter met Nadia and I at a Nail Spa for pedicures. They chose a green tea pedicure, but I chose CHOCOLATE! I smelled like a candy bar for the next 6 hours. It was awesome! Here we are at the nail spa.

Louanne's Birthday

Nadia was so well behaved and after about half an hour she started to work the room entertaining the staff and other customers while I was enjoying the relaxing pedicure. After that we all headed to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch and it was fantastic. Nadia had the best time with Laura and Teresa.

Louanne's Birthday Louanne's Birthday

I grabbed some to go food for Mike and ran it by his office. He had a dozen long stem red roses waiting there for me!! So sweet. Then we headed home and relaxed and Nadia had a nap. Then that night it was time for class 1 of my Course 3 cake class.  On Saturday we went shopping to spend some gift cards that I had and by working a typical Louanne deal I got 3 pairs of pants and 2 shirts at NYC and still had some cash left on my gift card. Then I picked up a free pair of shoes with my birthday coupon from DSW! All in all it was great fun!

And Nadia’s new thing is to hide and then call for you if you don’t come looking fast enough. The morning of my birthday I heard, “Mama, mama!” When I opened the door, this is what I saw.

Louanne's Birthday

Thankful Thursday

This video is the Nadia Drum Scene “Act 2”. This is what she did while I was baking a practice cake/birthday cake for myself this week.


  • I am thankful for all the volunteers in the KIDS HOPE USA program this year. I introduced the last 6 new mentors this week and now the program is in full swing. WOO HOO!
  • For the KIDS HOPE program being under way. Now I can dial down the mania a bit and establish more of a routine for Nadia and I.
  • For our awesome trees. They make the yard look so full and Nadia loves the birds that fly around them for her entertainment.
  • For Mike and Nadia. God has blessed me so much with the two of them and I can’t imagine my world without them.
  • For the tons of hand me down clothes that Nadia has been given.
  • For my friends and family – near and far.

Mini Train Ride

Mini Train Ride 9/26
Mini Train Ride 9/26 (cick to see album)

This post is nearly 2 weeks late, but I did want to get the photos up because Nadia and her friends had such a good time on the train. It was one of our MOM’s group playdates and I think that 7 families were there. And once again I can’t post the photos of Stephanie’s kiddos, but we had a great time with them and are praying that they are adopted soon!!!

Mini Train Ride 9/26

This train ride lasts about 45 minutes with a 10 minute stop at the second station where people can stretch their legs or buy snacks. Nadia was making “Choo choo” sounds the rest of the day. Nadia was fascinated by going over the bridges and that she could see turtles swimming in the water as we went over. We will definitely do this again and take Mike with us.

Mini Train Ride 9/26

Mini Train Ride 9/26

Course 1 and 2 Cakes

Course 1 and 2 Cakes
Course 1 and 2 Cakes (click to see album)

Last night was my last class for Wilton Course 2 cake decorating and the photo above was the big finale! And yes, I made all the flowers by hand out of royal icing so they get rock hard. I have had so much fun learning this new hobby and will start Course 3 this Friday. Course 3 is tiered cakes and fondant which should be an adventure.

Course 1 Finale

Here was the finale cake for Course 1. They tell you that you can’t give up on the Rose until you have tried to make 200, but trust me you get it long before that. I found that I like the Victorian roses we learned in course 2 much better than these Wilton roses, but it’s just personal preference. In course 3 we will learn to make a rose out of fondant. Roses seem to be popular in the Wilton world.

Here is the clown cake I made in Course 1. I thought they were so cute!

Course 1 Clown Cake