Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for how much Nadia has grown in the last year. She’s healthy and happy and the delight of our lives. I love comparison photos of visits to the pumpkin patch.

2007 – Santa Barbara, California

Pumpkin Patch 2007


2008 – Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008
Pumpkin Patch 2008 (click to see album)

On Monday I took Nadia to the Pumpkin Patch and we had such a good time. Nadia has a blast running all around and investigating. She did get a little possessive of one of the play houses, but I took it as a time to teach about sharing. It’s hard to be a toddler, ya know? We went on a hayride and pet horses. Then we posed by her friend “Eeigo” and “New Bob” as she calls them.

Pumpkin Patch 2008 Pumpkin Patch 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

90 minutes later the fun was over and it was time for a nap.

I'm done So tired

Lulu and Nadia

October 18, 2008
A Quick Visit (click to see album)

This weekend some of our travel mates were in the area and with some last minute plans we were able to get together on Saturday night. Nadia and I went over to Arthur’s family’s house and we got to have a good little visit. Once Nadia was done being shy they were able to play together on the floor.

I love the chance to get Nadia together with the girls we traveled with and I hope that it continues throughout their lives. All of our families changed on the same day in the same room and I will always feel bonded to them 🙂

October 18, 2008