Our Family Birthday celebration

Boo at the Zoo 2008
Boo at the Zoo 2008 (click to see album)

2nd birthday celebration

We took Nadia to ‘Boo at the Zoo’ tonight and we had a great time. And I guarantee you have never seen a cuter monkey than this one! We watched the “Drummin’ Monkey’s Show” and Nadia was completely mesmerized. She had a french fry in her hand the entire time and had her analytical face on. Afterwards we took her up to see the monkeys and let her hit the bongo drum.

She took in a haul of candy at the various treat stations and played games in the toddler area. After a while she seemed confused about the games and all the people, so we got out of the toddler area and continued to walk around the zoo. Her favorite thing of the night was a straw that she won at the Cat in the Hat game. She carried it around the rest of the night 🙂

2nd birthday celebration 2nd birthday celebration

Here she is meeting a fellow monkey. Notice the straw.

2nd birthday celebration

Here are a couple of the professionally carved pumpkins they had out. Very cool!

2nd birthday celebration 2nd birthday celebration

She also liked the fun house mirrors.

2nd birthday celebration

I think that this was a great way to spend her birthday and I think she had a good time. We know that next year it’s going to be even better because she will have a better idea of what is going on. But she quickly picked up on the tickets because every time she handed over a ticket she got a handful of candy. Ha ha!

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Girl!

Nadia is 2 years old today and getting cuter and funnier by the day. She grew almost half an inch since last month and gained another half a pound.
Here she was last year:

Nadia 2007

And this year:

Nadia 2008

We love you Nadia! You are the delight of our lives! – Mama and Dada

After the party funny photo

First off – Nadia’s birthday party was a great success and I will get photos up this week. She did very well considering there was a house full of people and I was really happy that she got into all the fun.

After the party Mike was watching TV while the rest of us were doing this:

Laptop Party

So of course I had to ask him to take a photo because it made me laugh and I thought it was such a sign of the times we live in.