Jen visits and more

My cousin Jen drove up from Houston to visit this weekend and we had such a nice time. Lots of good food was consumed and Nadia had fun with a new playmate. Jen brought Nadia a leap frog guitar and then immediately had a “jam session”. Nadia also displayed her awesome drum skills for Jen – if you think the videos are cute, you should see it in person.
On Sunday night we went to the going away party for our friends the Carman’s. They are headed to Little Rock for a new job and we will miss them greatly, but pray for God’s blessing on their move and family. All the kids had a great time playing while the adults enjoyed a bunch of tasty desserts. I made a Curious George cake in honor of Clarity since her favorite animal is the monkey.
On Monday we went to lunch with some friends. Mary, Lina, Laura and I have gone on a couple of girls trips in the past (pre-babies) and Mary was visiting Texas for a week. I was happy to see Mary after such a long time and lunch was yummy at the Cheesecake Factory.
When I was making lunch one afternoon Nadia grabbed the pot holders and said, “I cook!! I cook!!”
Halloween 2008
Some friends and I started by doing a costume practice run on the lawn by the Kimball on Thursday. We had the whole place to ourselves and the weather was perfect. I call this, “The Monkey Who Wore Shades”

Then on Friday our friends Tricia and David hosted a toddler trick or treat party at their place. A street right by them is shut down and the police are around and people come from all over to trick or treat. The houses are done up and we just thought it was so much fun and were happy for the invite. Click on the photo below to see all the photos from the night.

Mike told Nadia to hold her bucket and say, “trick or treat” and people would give her candy. Here she is at one of the first houses.
After that she said, “AGAIN.” She caught on right away and wanted to go to more and more houses. A little later I saw some costumes a few houses behind us and said to Mike, “There is Thing 1 and thing 2” and Nadia immediately said, “Cat Hat, Cat Hat.” even though she couldn’t see the people I was talking about. Once they caught up to us I had to ask the family to pose with Nadia since she just wanted to follow them once she actually saw them. It’s just too cute!
After the trick or treating we headed to Grammie’s house and then to see Paula and Roger and their friends the Flemings. Nadia took in a haul of candy which I am going to help her eat 🙂
Nadia’s 2nd birthday party!

Click on the photo above to see shots from the weekend. I warn you it’s a ridiculous amount, but they are cute!
We had Nadia’s birthday party last Saturday and it was great fun! The theme was music, specifically “Jack’s Big Music Show”. Here’s the cake and FYI – it took 11 cups of cake batter and 10 cups of icing to create. Oh my!!
Papa, Grandma Brooke and Tahni drove up for the event. Brooke took charge of the food situation for which I am grateful because I had to work on the cake. Plus lots of local family came and several of Nadia’s playgroup buddies. We played an episode of Jack’s for them – Nadia’s favorite, “Phil the Coo Coo Bird”. The little ones danced around and had a great time. Then we opened presents. Nadia got a lot of really cool music themed items and cute clothes.
After that we had cake. She seemed confused by all the singing and blowing out the candles, but she liked the cake!
I made Jack’s Big Music show shirts for the kids as party favors along with some noisy items like horns and maraca’s (sorry parents – had to keep with my theme). Here is Nadia modeling the shirt.
It really was a wonderful time and our shy in big groups girl did great because the kids had their own little area to play in and I think she didn’t get so overwhelmed by the people. We loved that she jumped all around to the music and got so excited about the instruments she was given and she just wanted to play with them right away.