March 10, 2014. Swearing-in day at the Consulate.
The girls had a HORRIBLE night! They got us up a combined 10 times crying, thrashing or having bad dreams. We blame Pizza Hut! HA HA HA!! We all woke up late and scrambled to get ready for the consulate and scarf down some food on the buffet so we could meet up with our group on time. We loaded up in the van and stopped at the medical place across the street from the Consulate to get some needed copies. Then we walked across the street and went through security at the Consulate. The new building is really nice and super fancy! I started joking about our tax dollars being at work since it used to be inside another office building and it’s now on it’s own land with barricades. We have no photos to show except the one above because we couldn’t take in cameras or even our watches.
We took a number when we arrived at the correct floor and waited for the rest of the families that would be sworn in. We received our instructions and then we took the oath for the kids as one big group. Then we waited to be called to the window to take care of all the paperwork. Once that was finished we went back outside and met up with our guide to take us back to the hotel. We went back up to the room for a bit and changed Dani out of her dress. Later on we went over to Subway for lunch again, because we wanted something quick and familiar and Dani LOVES tuna subs loaded with veggies. She is such a great eater and I don’t want her to lose that once home.
The girls playing on the 4th floor of the Garden after our consulate appointment.
After nap time the girls played in the room and just relaxed after our long night. At dinner time I took Amelie with me for a walk and some mommy time. We saw “The Italian Restaurant” with a take out window just for pizza. I went ahead and order some for us and then took Amelie walking around the streets while we waited. She was so happy to be alone with me, just like Nadia was in Nanchang. After pizza we put on jammies and got our very tired girls to bed.
Dani appears totally comfortable with us now and has a lot of temper tantrums. Here are the reasons we have found that she has them:
- Pick her up, don’t pick her up.
- Put her down, don’t put her down.
- Give her a toy, don’t give her a toy.
- Wave at her, don’t wave at her.
- Kiss her, don’t kiss her.
- Plus 100 other things. You get the idea. It’s so unpredictable that I just laugh.
Here are the times she never has a tantrum:
- Giving her food or milk.
- Putting on her shoes.
- Going outside.
This was given to us at check-in, from the Garden Hotel. I think it’s a really nice touch, and the straw sippy cup has come in handy since Dani doesn’t like the ones we brought with us.
This sign just makes me giggle when I see it.