Let’s talk Scrapbooking!

As many of you know I have been on a scrapbooking mission for the last month. You now know it’s because I want to catch up before we adopt Amelie and I felt if I don’t catch up now – I never will. I have gotten so much done that it’s led a lot of people to ask “how? are you sleeping? when do you find the time?” and so on.

First off I have my stuff spread out over half of the dining room table and it’s been that way for 6 weeks. Mike is very sweet to put up with this. The next thing you should know is that I have been spending every extra second doing this. No watching TV, movies, talking on the phone unless I have to and so on. I have cut down on all my reading too – that includes blogs I usually follow and regular books. I get Nadia working on crafts or some homeschool stuff and I sneak in some pages in between her questions. Then I squeeze it in most every chance I get throughout the day like when she is napping. And at night when I would usually watch TV or a movie with Mike I am scrapping. I am still doing things like washing the dishes, clothes and vacuuming; the house isn’t falling apart or anything. HA!

Also, years ago before we had Nadia I spent hours cutting scrapbook paper into all sizes and shapes in every color of the rainbow. H-O-U-R-S. Then I filed them by size. I also have all my stickers sorted by type with tabs in a folder. I punched out shapes in all different colors and have them sorted. I also cut lots of 12 inch borders in many colors and have them filed by color too.  This has saved me so much time now as I do page after page. I take a look at the photos – decide on the colors I want to use and go to that spot in my stuff. Slap the page together and go.

I am not one of the women who spends forever on a page and doing all kinds of elaborate stuff. That was my pre-child days. Now I have fallen into strictly documenting our life with fun little stickers and paper that matches.

Here is my current workstation set up. There is a small bag on the floor for tossing trash to keep the table clean.

Scrapbook Set Up

On the left are all my stickers. Plus a container filled with die cut letters in every color of the rainbow plus patterns. On the right is my bag with blank pages, page protectors, all my cutters and journaling papers.

Scrapbook Set Up

On the left are the 3 main paper cutters that I use. In the middle is this spiffy little container I got at Michaels (thanks to a GC from my friend Tricia). In there I keep all my pens, scissors, adhesives and a boatload of 4×6 papers in every pattern and color of the rainbow. I also use these papers for a lot of the greeting cards that I make.

Scrapbook Set Up

This is the mac daddy 12×12 paper holder that has a telescoping handle and rolls like a suitcase. This was a gift and I have all the paper sorted in their by color and then 2 trays for holiday themed paper.

Scrapbook Set Up

All my books. Our wedding, 3rd anniversary trip to Disney World, 2 books from high school. 2.5 books that hold the photos from our first TWELVE years together and 4 books that hold the first TWO years since Nadia joined our family. I have started on the 5th book today.

Scrapbook Set Up

So there you have it! I am not a super woman, but I am SUPER organized! Now do you want to come over and look at all my work?

Thankful Thursday

I am oh so thankful for the amount of scrapbooking I have accomplished in the last month. Between May 30th and June 30th I completed 136 pages.

VBS 2010

Vacation Bible School this year was Space Themed and what an awesome job the entire church did to give the kids from our church and surrounding neighborhood a great week. Nadia was able to be in a regular class this year instead of being in the nursery while I volunteered. The women from our Mom’s group each took a day teaching them. I took Monday and spent the rest of the week doing the fundraising and mission moments for the children. I did everything from make runs to the store if we were out of stuff to getting all the kids photos matched up to the homemade frames they decorated.

VBS 2010
Click the photo above to see the whole album.

Each day a different astronaut came in to tell the children the Bible story. One of the kids mentioned Buzz Lightyear and he said, “I know Buzz, I have met him and I am a better astronaut.” Nadia turned to me and said, “I am not having ANY of that!”

Nadia with friends and silly smiles.

VBS 2010

Nadia was going “beep beep beep” (The people in our church are so talented to paint all of this stuff!)

VBS 2010

Today when I went to visit Nadia’s class the kids swarmed me to show the snap bracelets they had made. They are so sweet. So I had them pose for a photo.

VBS 2010

Making the Garden of Eden and talking about how Adam and Eve were disobedient.

VBS 2010

Pillowcases for crafts one day.

VBS 2010

This is the little boy I have mentored for 4 years through KIDS HOPE.

VBS 2010

The 3 year old trying to escape. It was a long week for those little guys.

VBS 2010

What a BLAST we had this week! (pun intended)

VBS 2010