A Dream

In mid-April 2013 I woke up one morning after having an incredibly vivid dream. In the dream I was at my cousin Jenn’s house and her 3 boys were playing with my 3 girls. It was a really happy dream and the kids were having so much fun playing together. The thing is, both of our families only had 2 kids and Mike and I certainly didn’t have plans for more. I mean we had just sold our crib, given away our highchair, baby toys and all the clothes we had under size 3T. I texted Jenn and told her about the dream with a “ha ha ha!” at the end. I didn’t think about it again until Mike told me the next morning that he thought maybe we should adopt again. WHAT? Needless to say we had a brief discussion, but then it was time for us to go to church. I was completely and totally distracted during the sermon – thinking about my dream and thinking about what Mike said. Then while visiting with people after church a friend came up and said, “Hey Louanne. I know someone who wants to adopt from China and is wondering which agencies have the best reputation right now. Can you get me that information?” I thought, “Suuuuuuuuuuure. And I can use that info too.”

The next day was Monday and I had to wake our girls up for an appointment or something, which is out of the ordinary because we usually let them sleep as long as they like.  I was trying to wake Nadia up when she sat up, half asleep and said, “Are we going to China again?” WHAT?? Mike and I hadn’t mentioned anything to her so I asked her what she meant and she said, “I thought we were going to China again.” I walked into Amelie’s room next and woke her up and said, “Amelie, what were you dreaming about?” She said, “Clowns.” Whew!

A couple of weeks went by and at that point Mike and I had decided on a new agency, applied and mailed our first check. Then I get a call from Jenn saying, “Guess what? I am pregnant. I was pregnant when you texted and didn’t know.” WHAT???

Fast forward to August 2014 and my dream came true with one difference – Jenn and Chris had a girl instead of a boy 🙂

Houston trip 8/2014

Look at these precious children!!

6 months ago today


6 months ago the most amazing toddler joined our family. She was angry and suspicious, but also curious and obsessed with food which worked out in our favor. She went from mostly silent to chatting in baby Chinese to saying SHOES. The love of shoes lead to her desire to leave the hotel room at any time to go anywhere – she just wanted to out and exploring. We saw that she knew how to be loved, make eye contact and that boo boos should be kissed.

Fast forward and she has been through major bone surgery, 8.5 weeks in a body cast, and learned to walk and run again. She understands everything we tell her, and is still obsessed with food, but now she eats slower because she has learned the food won’t run out.

She loves to sing, chase her big sisters around, be held by Mommy and Daddy, play dough, stuffed animals, baths, shoes, stickers and of course food.

Her smile lights up the world. She has the most delightful personality. I can’t imagine our life without her.

We love you Dani and are beyond blessed that you joined our family!

Meeting new friends at the zoo

Meeting new friends at the zoo
The whole group (click to see album)

On the first of August we arranged to meet some online friends in real life at the zoo. I was really excited because Kristy and I had become friends on Facebook through the adoption community. We found that we have many things in common or of common interest. They traveled shortly after us and their little on has the same hip condition as Dani. She will even be having the same surgery at Scottish Rite this fall. I am so thankful that she drove her girls all the way up here to meet us at the zoo. It was also the first birthday of one of the new baby elephants so they had “Nothing Bundt Cakes” for the first 1,000 guests. The girls and I walked over to see Bowie get his special birthday cake.

August 1, 2014

August 1, 2014

I thought it was really cute that the zoo keepers kept the big elephants back while the little enjoyed the treats. After a little while they let the adults join in 🙂

August 1, 2014 August 1, 2014

I was happy that Dani let me put her near this statue because the last couple of times we went to the zoo she sort of freaked.

August 1, 2014

The girls were really cute together, but in this pic I think Dani had decided she was the “owner” of the kangaroo.

August 1, 2014

Dani loved going on the zoo carousel for the first time.

August 1, 2014

We rode the train back to the entrance which is always fun. **Thanks for meeting us Kristy!! It was a blast!

August 1, 2014

After we said our goodbyes I took the girls over to La Playa Maya to share queso and cowboy enchiladas. And once we started eating I asked myself why we haven’t been there in so long? It’s so YUMMY!!!

Nadia’s 7th Gotcha Day!

We love to celebrate Gotcha Day for the girls and Nadia was excited about this year. She had art camp in the morning and then we had lunch and she opened her gifts from us. We gave her some Rainbow Loom bands and Color Wonder pads, but the most exciting thing for her was a JEDI belt!

Nadia's 7th Gotcha Day!

Nadia had asked me for an adipose (character from Doctor Who) cake, but I reminded her that I only make the big cakes for birthdays. But for a surprise I made her some adipose out of marshmallows while she was having her quiet time. She was so excited and surprised when she got up and all three girls gobbled them up. (And for the record, Nadia has never seen Doctor Who, but she has seen these little guys on a t-shirt I have)

Nadia's 7th Gotcha Day!

The big girls had swim in the evening and Nadia asked for Pei Wei as her Gotcha Day dinner. After Pei Wei we walked next door to Potbelly for some of their cookie ice cream sandwiches. I don’t think the guy made them correctly because they were GIANT, but we enjoyed them!

Nadia's 7th Gotcha Day!

Yummy, but almost too sweet!

Nadia's 7th Gotcha Day!

July 22, 2014