Thankful Thursday

I am thankful CHINA IS MATCHING!!!!! What does that mean? That somewhere halfway around the world a government worker is matching us to Nadia. I know that God has selected our child for us, but now the paperwork is going to be put together. I am so excited I can barely contain myself!!!

I am thankful for so many friends and family that can’t wait to meet Nadia.

I am thankful that so many people have RSVP’d to the shower – what a wonderful day it will be.

I am thankful for new friends (Melissa) and old friends coming to visit (Jessica/Randy) and good friends who are moving soon, but taking time to visit with me before they leave (Johanna and Lauren). What a sweet week this has been.

I am thankful for fellow Child Ambassador Nicole who I have never met in person getting 2 “Texas” shirts to our sponsored child in Peru because she is originally from there and went to visit family. You can’t send big packages to the children, so how great is that to have a hand delivery to the WV office down there? WOW – thanks Nicole.

I am thankful for all my fellow Child Ambassadors who take time out of their busy life to share the work that World Vision is doing with friends, family and even strangers! There are around 200 CA’s nationwide all volunteering their time every month for WV. Think how much “payroll” that saves WV that can go directly in to the programs?

Right now I can’t think straight to add more since my head is spinning with excitement.

Baby-brain fog

So seriously, I can’t stop thinking about the fact that we are next! I just want to think about where Nadia is from, when she was born, are the nannies taking good care of her, is she in a Half The Sky orphanage, will she be sick when we get her, is she going to scream like a maniac when she sees us, how OLD will she be? You get the idea. And I have this big to do list that I was really motivated to work on Monday and Tuesday and today, not so much 🙂 My friend Jessica informed me that I am having pregnancy brain and that’s its really okay. I am sticking with that theory.

They had a shower for us today at Mike’s office, which was sweet, with crazy sweek cake (yum!) and crazy sweet punch (yum again!). They gave us the stroller we registered for and a gift card to Babies R Us. That was just too generous. Thanks guys! It seems that when we first started talking about this adoption there were about 8 employees at the office and now there are like 45!!!

So anyway I have a “China box” set up in our closet and as I get things that we need to take on our trip like disposable bibs and diaper wipes. It’s starting to get full, but it’s my organized self wanting it all in one spot, so when the time comes to pack, at least some stuff will be ready. I got this bright idea from another parent who ended up buying a lot of stuff when we thought the wait was 6-8 months and then the wait extended for so long they put it away and forgot. And now that they are running around trying to pack, they are finding doubles of lots of stuff. Hee hee.

We are still waiting on our updated 171 from the US Government. We HAVE to have this piece of paper to get Nadia and I got our agency involved 2 weeks ago, but I don’t think they are having any luck right now. Back in December they moved all orphan petitions for North Texas to OK City. And the OK City orphan officer wanted one word changed in our homestudy update. This word was approved by Dallas in 2005, but we are not alone. Many other parents have told me the same thing and are stalled out like we are. Tomorrow will be 9 weeks we have been waiting. We have time, but I would just really like to have the paper in hand and be done with it. If worse comes to worse, Mike and I will be taking a road trip to OK City to visit the Department of Homeland Security. Fun right?

Thankful Thursday

Thankful for babies! The closer we get – the cuter they get! I have been checking other people’s blogs in the last couple days and it’s so exciting to see all these new families.

And young babies….my non-scientific count after reading referral posts on just the lists I am a part of is 15 babies referred that are 5-6 months old. For you not in the IA world…that is pretty rare. WOW- how fun would that be?? We have been thinking about a year old for so long that it would be a surprise to get such a young baby. But it would be a shocker to get referred a toddler too.

Good thing that we know God is sovereign and that He has the perfect baby for us….no matter what daydreams I am having. HA!

For the success of the KIDS HOPE luncheon that we hosted. It was nice to see people from KIDS HOPE USA main office and to finally meet some directors in my area. The real blessing was to see so many people that care for hurting children and want to do what they can to help.

For the little man I mentor getting good grades last week so he was rewarded with a Happy Meal and me as a guest for lunch. I am very popular with elementary school kids ya know. **It was probably the Spider Man toy**

For my Grammie. She is just the best and should be on my list every week.

For the protection of our house through these last 3 weeks of crazy tornado weather. Mike saw A TORNADO right by our house coming home from work and he could see the power lines exploding as it turned. He got into the house safely and we didn’t get any damage at our house, but lots of things were damaged around us. I wasn’t home at the time and am grateful for Mike’s safety.

Referral cut-off is November 1st! WOO HOO!

Okay it was so exciting to wake up this morning to information about the May batch of referrals. The CCAA is not going to update their public web page anymore and have changed over to a pay for information set up. The agencies that are willing can now pay for access to a private site to get referral updates. This morning agencies from around the world updated their clients and websites to show that the CCAA has matched 10/27 – 11/1/05.

Now that leaves us as the 4th day in the next batch. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo we should be NEXT!!! I told Mike that it’s just a psychological boost that they have gotten to our month after this wait extending so far. So if we are in the June batch we will have waited 19 months to referral after 6 months of paperwork, after 2.5 years of waiting to be 30. LOL.

****Here’s the fine print that a lawyer would require me to say. International Adoption is an uncertain thing to be a part of. It could happen that they would only match 2 days next month like they did last month. Don’t get your hopes to high because anything can happen. Once again anything can happen. I repeat anything can happen.******

But it’s still exciting!!!!