May 7, 2014 was pre-op day for Dani at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. Our friend Lucy came to pick up the big girls for an all day playdate and the rest of us headed for the hospital. Once all the documents were signed, they took Dani’s height, weight and blood pressure. Then Dr. Birch came in to talk to us briefly and go over the plan for the next morning. From there we headed over to x-ray and then to the station to have her blood work done.
After that they told us we could go for lunch and then finish meeting people and signing papers. We also got a text photo from Lucy of the big girls having fun.
Once lunch was finished they assigned us our room and we spent the next several hours meeting everyone from occupational therapy to nursing and we had one more meeting with all the doctors who would be involved in the next days surgery.
The entire staff was wonderful, but it was a really long day. All three of us were ready to go when they told us we could have a pass to go home for the night. We headed straight over to pick up Nadia and Amelie. Then we stopped by the house to make sure everything was packed up for them to go to Laura’s house for the night. Then we headed to Pei Wei to have dinner before dropping the girls off. Once home Mike and I let Dani have a long bath and then we had these special wipes we had to clean the surgery area with and it was time to get her to bed.