Dani has been with us 4 weeks today and it’s her 2nd birthday! She is such a delight and she has added even more joy to our family. When she smiles her entire face lights up! It’s amazing and I hope she is always that way. We are all still getting to know each other and we can tell she is understanding more English every day. I expect that she will surprise us and start saying a lot of words at once.
Here is what she is saying clearly as of today:
- Shoes, Go! Mama, Dada, Uh Oh, No!
We can also tell she is trying to say Thank You. She will go lay down if we say she needs a diaper change. I know she understands up, down, zip, go, stop, sit, stand up, your chair (as in go to your chair so we can eat), drink, eat, no, brush your teeth, change clothes, it’s time to go and more that I just can’t think of right now. In the last day or so she is more willing to wave hello or goodbye to people who do it to her first. Most the of the time though if a stranger gets too close to her she will either cry, turn away or both. Her tantrums are still pretty frequent, and it’s obviously a very hard habit we are trying to break in her – she is clearly used to getting what she wants by screaming and thrashing.
We love this little girl so much and are so grateful that God has blessed our family with her! I can’t imagine our life without her.
Enjoying her birthday cake by grabbing the entire slice and taking a bite.
Fresh out of the bath and after having her teeth brushed.