Family photo on the balcony before we left the beach.
“Goodbye Beach!”
Since Galveston is so close to home we took an interesting route back home after we packed up the car. We drove across the bridge to check out Surf Side and see the areas for rent houses around there. It’s a cute little town and clearly the surfers like it there. Then we headed over to pop in on the twins 2nd birthday party. Thanks for the invite Jen and Chris!
Adorable boys!! I love them.
After our pop in at the party we headed back into Houston to go to the Hobbit Cafe. It’s been there for like 40 years and I have wanted to try it on our many visits down there. I found the menu had some really bizarre combinations, but the food was great. The outside of it is really cool and I do like the big tree coming up through the middle of the patio and bar area, but I have to be honest that the inside didn’t impress. They basically had movie posters up and some figurines. I guess I was expecting the place to be Lord of the Rings nerded out. And from a marketing standpoint, if I owned it, I would play it up. Especially with 2 more Hobbit movies coming out in the next two years.
After our bellies were completely stuffed we headed home. What a wonderful week we had at the beach! There will be no more trips now until we cross the ocean to meet Dani!