Thankful Thursday

I know I have been remiss in my TT posts, but not because we aren’t thankful, but I just haven’t set aside time lately to blog.

I am thankful that our schedule is such that when it’s a gorgeous day in the middle of February we can take off to the zoo for 2 hours! We have a zoo membership so I didn’t even pack a snack – we just headed out and I decided we would leave in time to get home for lunch. When we arrived there were no school buses in the parking lot and I yelled a big “WOO HOO!”

Zoo 2.7.13

Zoo 2.7.13

Zoo 2.7.13

Zoo 2.7.13

They wanted to pretend they were kissing the frog. HA!

Zoo 2.7.13

Zoo 2.7.13

Zoo 2.7.13

On the way back to the car Nadia said, “It’s like we had the WHOLE ZOO to ourselves. That was awesome!”