The PALS group at Scottish Rite had a Christmas party at the beginning of December. We didn’t go for Amelie since she doesn’t know that she is different now, but for Nadia to see other kids (and adults) with limb differences. She has started to notice when people comment about Amelie and has even asked, “When are Amelie’s hands going to be like mine?” That lead to a great discussion with her about how we are all different and that is how God made us. They had food and a Santa which really got Nadia excited. Amelie on the other hand screamed in terror at first. In the end Amelie took the gift from Santa’s elf and waved at him, but that was it.
Amelie showing her new bear the Scottish Rite Kaleidescope.
We headed home and I set the girls up to decorate a gingerbread house. Amelie did a great job on her first try and put all the candy on herself. I was on “icing duty” and heard a lot of “can you put some icing here mommy?” I let them each do half and it was really cute.