The Fort Worth Zoo has homeschool day every fall and this was our first year to attend. The main thing I have to say here is how WONDERFUL it was to not have my little girls competing for space with all the school groups. No offense teachers, I have gone as a chaperone in past years with my KIDS HOPE kids and it’s wild. 🙂 For this day it was basically a bunch of moms and their kids, but they also had special keeper chats and craft areas.
Nadia told me her favorite part of the day was seeing the chimpanzee baby holding on to its mommy. I tried to get a photo, but it was iffy through the glass.
What Amelie has tried very hard to tell as a “story” was our adventure with the elephants. Several of them were fairly close to the fence and I was getting the girls in position to take a photo as the elephant was throwing sand up on itself. Then a huge gust of wind came up and everyone standing there had sand in their face. The girls were wildly grabbing at me and trying to wipe their eyes and I was trying to clean my own eyes. Other people around us were just as startled. So Amelie will say, “ephant, eyes, sand, ow” and I know exactly what she is trying to remind me of.