So here is what happened to the first set of trees we bought:
The people at Native Shade were either dishonest or ignorant, and so we lost the money. They refused to give us a warranty once the trees were in place – claiming our soil was the problem. After talking to an arborist and other gardening type people, we found the truth was you don’t transplant Red Oaks in the middle of the summer! Either way we were taken advantage of because we knew nothing about trees or gardening.
From this we learned about the pH of the water in our part of town, all about our soil, the types of trees that will thrive and when the best time of year to plant is. Thank you Arborist Sandy Rose at Shade Masters. So now I present the new trees – from Treeland Nursery tree farm! (Complete with a warranty)
We replaced the dead Red Oak in the front yard with a nice, large Bald Cypress. We replaced the dead Red Oak in the back with another Red Oak, but moved it over about eight feet to match the contour of our new patio. We also added two beautiful Autumn Blaze Maples along the fence. We expect to enjoy all of them greatly.