For your viewing pleasure

I realized pretty quickly that if I don’t keep up with the videos now that we have 2 kids, I may never catch up. So here is the first round that I had some time edit together; 3 from the China trip and one from home.

The first one is of Nadia at the Novotel Peace in Beijing. She said, “Stay at the bottom of the stairs mommy and watch my show.” It was SO FUNNY that Nadia did this in public. It’s so unlike her if people are watching.

This is the girls playing a little game in the hotel in Ningxia. Notice that Amelie is totally silent which is how she was for the first days with us.

Here is Nadia and the Hameloth girls on one of our sightseeing days in Guangzhou.

This is from last week, about 5 weeks after Amelie joined our family.