Thankful Thursday

  • For my sister Tahni who is visiting with us this week. She hadn’t been up since a couple days after we got home from China and I was a jet lag zombie, so it’s nice to just have fun together.
  • For the Kuchems who are in Mexico right now delivering gifts for our Operation Border Blessing church project. Mike and I went last year with Rachel K. and Bill M. from church and it was an amazing time and wonderful to meet the people in Mexico.
  • For the Isaiah 55 ministries in Reynosa, Mexico who located the families for us to donate to. And all the work they do with deaf children in that part of Mexico.
  • For all the new babies that have come into my friends lives this last year- either through birth, adoption or fostering.
  • For the blessing of Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year anyway, but it was like a double blessing with Nadia this year.
  • For the hilarious antics of Nadia. She is so funny and constantly amazes me with how much she understands.
  • For everything working out for our trip to China in March! For those who don’t know we will be living in Beijing for one month attending language school. And YES we will be blogging from there. (That’s been a top question asked) Mike will be going to the school everyday. I will be having a tutor come 2 hours a day to the apartment where Nadia should be napping. HA HA.  Our apartment will be in university district of Beijing, but I don’t really know what that means since the city has 14 MILLION people. We are getting so excited to spend time in China and be around the culture. The adoption trip is just a whirlwind and you are traveling with a bunch of people to do a bunch of paperwork at a bunch of assigned places. So I am really excited about this adventure we are about to take.
  • For Janis who will be our super house sitter while we are gone- what a RELIEF!
  • For United offering such a good deal in March on airfare that we could upgrade and get Nadia her own seat. I know that we and the other passengers are going to be happy about that 🙂