Thankful Thursday

From Nonni From Mom and Dad

As I gave Nadia her bottle this morning in the rocking chair I was reminded once again that you NEVER get that time back. I want to burn those times into my memory of her snuggled up against me, looking up as she has her bottle. Children keep growing and growing and you have got to enjoy them at every stage. I know that I will enjoy Nadia as she gets older and we can make crafts and bake and all the other fun things. But I told myself before we got her that I would enjoy each stage of her life….that I would never be one of those people who just wants their kids to just grow up. They are only little once and you have got to take the time to enjoy them. Is this viewpoint a benefit of watching others have children before me? Of waiting until we were married 12 years to have kids? Because we didn’t get to see her at all the first 9 months of her life? Maybe. Whatever the reason I am grateful to God that He has allowed us to have Nadia and enjoy all the things about her that are so sweet and wonderful.

Our life is completely different in every way, shape and form since Nadia joined our family, but it’s just as wonderful. We had a great life when it was just the 2 of us and now we have a great life as a family of 3.

  • I am thankful that my sister Michelle was able to come and spend last week with us. It was great to see her having so much fun with Nadia.
  • For the wonderful Christmas that we had. Most of Mike’s family was here from out of town and it was just great to see everyone. We spent Sunday with them and then Christmas day with my family for lunch.
  • For Nadia doing the hand motions to Isty Bitsy Spider with me last night. TOO CUTE!!! This morning she had a toy in each hand and I asked her if she wanted to sing the song and she immediately dropped both toys and started doing the motions before I even started singing.
  • For Nadia’s dance moves. She was cracking me up yesterday with her sweet boogie.
  • For all the people that sponsored children with World Vision through me this year. Their lives have been changed in amazing ways because you chose to make a difference.
  • For the KIDS HOPE program and the great relationships formed this year. We have had many kids move this year, but God is faithful and we trust that even the little time they had with their mentors made a difference.
  • For our church and the ability to attend church freely without fear of persecution. Watching the Christians in Iraq get to return to Baghdad and celebrate Christmas out in the open for the first time in years was an amazing thing to witness this week.