Nadia is 11 months old today. Some of you might remember this little dress from the China trip when it was ginormous on her. Now it’s just a little big. It’s a 6-9 month dress. Hee hee. Mike and I had fun last night taking her shopping to pick out some 9 month winter clothes. She is growing and getting taller, but we still think she will be in 9 month clothes through the winter because they are all big on her now.
So what is Nadia up to this week? We really think that she knows “Da da” means Mike. It’s adorable how excited she gets when he comes home. She makes a beeline for him and says, “Da da!!!” It’s enough to melt my heart. She is feeding herself the puffs and wagon wheels with ease, she has figured out how her Leap Pad – Fridge Farm toy works – not just how to turn on the music, but where the little farm animal parts go. She is doing well with the sippy cup, but still needs a little help if it’s filled too full. Soon she will be a pro at that. She has learned that you can put small things inside big things. From her stacking cups to her rings and links, she is seeing how they all fit together. She cruises like a speed racer along the furniture, the kitchen cabinets, the chairs at the table – you name it, if she can get up, she moves along.
She still takes 2 naps a day. She has 3 bottles and 3 solid foods a day. She doesn’t want to go to bed at night. It’s like she is so happy to be with both of us playing that she doesn’t want any part of sleeping when she could be playing. Once she gets to sleep, she sleeps all night except waking up at some point early in the morning for a bottle. She makes the cutest faces and smiles all the time. She gets a little fussy when she gets too tired, but even that is not all out crying.
We are so in love with her and blessed that God has brought her into our family. We can’t imagine life without her and it seems like she has always been with us.
P.S. Saturday AM – Nadia had her 3rd tooth pop out overnight. It’s been trying all week and it’s on the top.