I have been looking forward to Christmas this year because it’s Dani’s first – just like I was excited over Nadia and Amelie’s first Christmas. Dani has such a giant personality and she has been over the top excited about everything!! It’s awesome. The first Christmas tree she saw was at Grandma Linda’s nursing home and she was mesmerized. A couple days after we got home from our Colorado trip I put the tree together and the lights on while the girls were having a nap. Dani was a little confused when she woke up to the tree, but she liked the lights and really got excited about the decorating.

This year the big girls chose their ornaments with Daddy while I was in New York with Dani. Here are their 2014 choices.

This is Dani’s from our China trip. She was born in the year of the Dragon so it’s fitting.
And this totally awesome and amazing ornament was thought of and created by Mike. We like to have the girls first year with us ornament represent the biggest thing that happened and this fits the bill! It turned out so awesome!