We started our day with breakfast at Tahni’s apartment and then took the subway to a stop close to Central Park. Tahni said we had to make a stop at a little coffee shop for a Chai Latte. Those things had some sort of magical ingredient because it was the best I have ever tried. Wow!

We couldn’t have asked for better weather for our day at Central Park. There were a lot of people around, but it wasn’t terribly crowded. Dani was really excited about all the dogs she saw and all the horse drawn carriages. I can see how you could easily spend hours and hours there reading and enjoying the live music.

After strolling around Central Park taking in the sights and listening to the street performers we headed off to look for Luke’s Lobster. It turns out it was in the basement of The Plaza in a fancy shmancy food court. Just about the time we figured that out Dani noticed a hot dog cart on the corner. She was pointing to it saying, “Eat, eat.” I told her no and that we were going to a restaurant and she flipped out and was reaching back for it as long as she could see it out the side of her stroller. We headed downstairs and grabbed some lobster rolls and found a table. The lobster rolls were fantastic and after one bite Dani was trying to grab the entire roll out of my hand. Tahni bought us all some macaroons from an amazing place near the lobster place and we headed out for our next stop.

We walked over to see Rockefeller Center and it was cool to see something I have seen on TV and in movies so many times, BUT I was shocked at how small the ice rink and statue actually were. I told Tahni it was like the first time I saw the Alamo. There were firefighers in the rink spraying down new water to freeze and lots of people were watching the activity. I could hear languages from all over the world. It matched all the flags that encircle the rink. We walked around there and then back to the closest subway station to get us home. We needed to get Dani down for a nap because we had a big (and late) night planned.