- Dani has been out of her cast for 3.5 months now and I am STILL so thankful for regular diaper changes and the ability to get her in and out of a regular car seat. It is so easy to take that stuff for granted.
Dani’s Re-adoption

Rejoice with us that our last official legal document relating to Dani’s adoption was completed with her re-adoption hearing today! YIPPIE! Our friend Jonathan was our attorney again and it was just as smooth this time as with Nadia and Amelie. Re-adoption is not required in Texas, but we do this so that the girls can get a Texas birth certificate. This will help them when they are adults and they should have the paper being that they are Texans now 🙂
We arranged to have our re-adoption the same day as some friends we made through the adoption community. They adopted their little girl Hannah a month after we adopted Dani and it’s been so nice to get to know them in person. We also had the same judge as when Amelie had her re-adoption so that was neat.
Last two weeks of September 2014

The last couple of weeks in September seemed to fly by for our family. The girls were back in all their activities and we were just hanging out doing our usual family thing. I tried easing Dani into the nursery at church so I can more easily teach my co-op class on Wednesdays. I started by sitting with her through the whole time several times. Then she would get up and play, but she could keep me in eyesight. Then a couple times I left her for a short time and came back. She does great with Beth and it’s good to see her learning that we always come back.

- They love this statue

- Biggie bead fun
Amelie’s last year of Museum School
Amelie started her last year of Museum School last month. She is really excited to be in the big kid class which is mostly made up of people holding their kids back from kindergarten and homeschoolers. Here are a few photos from the first day.