My friend Kathy and her daughter Rieley came to town to see friends and go to homeschool day at the zoo with us. Nadia and Rieley immediately went to holding hands and have a great time as we walked around the zoo. We had a great time as we usually do, but the only strange thing was that the zoo seemed TOTALLY empty compared to prior homeschool days. The weather forecast was calling for severe weather later in the day and we experienced a few sprinkles as we walked, but I don’t know if that had anything to do with it.

Dani is not in this photo because shortly before this I told her I needed to change her diaper and she flipped out. She had one of her monster tantrums that lasted a good 30 minutes. At least at homeschool day at the zoo the other parents look at you with empathy instead of scorn. Kathy was impressed to see one of the tantrums in person. Once we finished up it was time to head home and put the kiddos to bed. We planned to meet up for dinner and Kathy headed back to her hotel. Then the severe weather hit with a crazy wind, hail, and sideways rain. The power went out at the hotel and our lawn furniture went flying. Then as fast as it started it was over.
We headed to meet Kathy and Rieley for dinner and they got to the restaurant first, but it was closed because the power was out. I gave her the address of another place and it look us at least 20 minutes to go about 2 miles because the street lights were out too. We finally connected at Torchy Tacos and had a nice dinner out on the patio in the cool breeze that the storm brought to town 🙂