For day 3 at the beach it was raining off and on and our girls (especially Amelie) were worn out and needed to rest. Even with bug spray we had been eaten alive the day before coming back from the beach and our itchy and swollen girls needed to relax. After breakfast the girls got out the various kinds of Lego’s that the Hebert’s have for their grand-kids. Then we let them watch movies most of the day which Nadia declared a “perfect kid vacation.” Mike spent the day getting a lot of work done.

While the girls were watching a movie and I was reading a book I heard the sound of the ice cream truck! I was so excited because they never come to our neighborhood at home and the girls have never had the chance to buy from one. We all ran down the stairs and out the driveway in our jammies to catch the truck. Then I let the girls eat their ice cream before lunch which was really exciting for them. Nadia said it was another “good vacation thing.”

After nap time the girls watched another movie and then we decided to go out to have Mexican food at a place the Hebert’s had suggested.