On day two we dropped the girls off at camp and then headed over to the mall to walk around for a bit. Then we went back to the hotel to have leftovers for lunch and watch Dani work her way around the hotel room exploring and using her leg. After all of that she needed a nap before we could pick up the big girls from camp.
It may be hard to tell in the video, but she was working so hard and sweat so much just to get over to me and pull herself up.

We picked the girls up from camp and heard all about their fun day. Nadia was very excited about a parasol craft that she put so much detail into that she had to have help to finish it in time. She told us that we could see it the next day after it was dry. Amelie was so tired that she needed a nap and Nadia just wanted to color before the family swim night.

For some reason Amelie was really nervous about swimming with the other kids and wanted Nadia to stay along the side with her. Nadia on the other hand wanted to swim and play and jump in with the big kids, so I told her to go ahead and do that. We had a good time and were able to chat with some parents we knew and meet some new parents. It was nice that it wasn’t as dreadfully hot as last year and the girls had so much fun. Then it was time to head back to the hotel and get our tired girls to bed.