In mid-July we went to see the Quebe Sisters Band in concert. We first met them years ago at church and Nadia has loved them since she was 2 years old. We have joked that she is a Quebe Sister groupie, but I will take that over ANY of the popular bands and singers for kids. They are really wonderful women and it’s been a blessing to know them over the years. Last October Mike and I went to see them play at The Live Oak in Fort Worth and we had such a great time. I told several people that I just felt HAPPY when I left their concert. Nadia really wanted to go, but we told her it was too late for her to be out and about. I told her that the next time they played in our area we would go.
They played with The Purple Hulls who are now regularly on tour with them. The sisters who are The Purple Hulls played an original song called, “No power in the Water” and our entire family loved it. We bought the CD afterwards and I can safely say that in the last month we have listened to it in the car and at home at least 75 times. The girls know all the words to all the songs and even Dani sings them in her 2 year old way now. I highly recommend you check them and the Quebe Sisters out if you like Bluegrass and/or Gospel.
We have this photo on our fridge now and both big girls have a copy on their dressers 🙂