We got up in the morning and got the big girls off to camp. Nadia was surprised to find that she was moving to upper camp so her and Amelie would be in two different parts of the building and on two different activity tracks, but she was very excited to be with the big kids. When I dropped Amelie off I saw that one of her teen counselors was the Dani that gave us the idea for our Dani’s name last summer. After that Dani, Mike and I headed over to Target. Dani needed a couple of new outfits since we had given away all the 2T clothes last year before we knew we were going to adopt again. I am thankful we also got some hand-me-downs from friends at church, but she still needed a few things to get through the summer. Dani made us laugh and laugh trying to get the clothes on while we were doing our other shopping.
We went to lunch at a pizza place called “Top That Pizza” and my little foodie split a pesto chicken pizza with me that was so tasty! We picked the big girls up and waited for Mike’s sister Sharon, Jade and Karsten to arrive. They were driving down from Missouri once Jade got off work, and then we were going out to eat at Fuddruckers since they were offering .99 kids meals! Nadia and Amelie had a great time at camp and told us about their day while we waited. Nadia liked Kung Fu and lunch. Amelie liked the bounce house the best.

After dinner we returned to the hotel for the girls to get ready for bed and then spend some time visiting. Nadia loves to draw with Karsten, and I know her wish to become a good artist came from all the drawings he did with her at China Camp 2 years ago. We had a great time laughing and talking until the girls were just too tired and had to go to bed.
*A highlight of the afternoon was when Dani saw Nadia put her rainbow loom bracelets on the ottoman and worked her way over to it and pulled herself up. We all clapped and cheered for her since it was the first time since the cast was removed that she tried anything like this!