I am thankful we got to take the girls to see the Quebe Sisters in concert last night! Mike and I saw them last year and had a great time. At that time Nadia wanted to go so bad, but the concert started so late I told her we would take her the next time. It was at a local church and so we took the entire family and had a great time. Dani was rocking out and moving all around to the beat and I ended up giving her an Advil because I knew she was going to be in pain by the end of it, but it was so nice to see her having so much fun.
Nadia loved going to the concert and FINALLY seeing them in person. We also got to hear The Purple Hulls that play with them now. We bought their Gospel CD on the way out. Listening to it on the way home Nadia was hooked on their music, too. If you like fiddles and bluegrass or you would like to be introduced to the good stuff – check out both bands.