The end is in sight!!!! The big girls finished up VBS and loved everything about their week with friends. I took Dani back to the dentist so they could seal her bottom molars and she did an awesome job. She cried a little on the last one, but they said they expected her to cry through the entire thing so they were impressed. This week Dani was also moving and climbing and trying to follow the girls every chance she had. She was spending far more time out of her TARDIS chair than in and we were happy to see that. Her upper body must be getting so strong from dragging that cast around. As you can see from the photo above the cast isn’t really slowing her down. On Sunday of this week Dani had a pretty tough day. She was clearly frustrated with the cast and ready to be done. She pounded on the cast quite a bit and even said, “Dooon wan it!!!”
Grammie came over for her weekly play date with the girls and as always they had fun. It was really cute that Dani was pretending to play this game with Grammie because she has seen us play it so much with the big girls. Dani is always watching us and this was adorable proof of it.

We just started a Magic School Bus study of the human body and the first experiment was to make a model of a human lung. Nadia thought it was great.