This week started much like the rest – we were rejoicing that another week had past and gearing up for the big girls to go to VBS. It was going to be the first year in 8 that I hadn’t volunteered, but I needed to be home with Dani. Dani was continuing to spend more time on the floor exercising and giggling with her sisters while trying to join in their fun.

Dani had her first visit to the dentist and as we suspected she needed some work done. All four molars on the bottom of her mouth had the start of a cavity so the dentist wanted to give them a super fluoride treatment and seal the teeth with cement as soon as we could come in again. Nadia and Amelie also had their teeth checked and everything was good.
The week took a turn when I received a call from my step-dad on Saturday night telling me that my Grandpa was gravely ill and not expected to live long. Mike and I talked about it and decided it would be good for me to go as soon as I could. I checked all the flights and on Sunday I purchased a ticket to fly to California on Monday morning and return on Tuesday night. When I arrived on Monday morning my Grandpa was up and I could hold his hand and talk to him. It was a great blessing to spend time with him over the two days and I am grateful I got to see him before he died.

When my Grandpa was too tired for any more visiting on Monday, my aunt Polly came and picked me up for lunch. It was a bright spot in the day to sit and visit with her outside on the patio at South Coast Deli. Later that night I went to see my brother who I missed seeing on our 2012 trip. On my second day there I went to see Grandpa in the morning, but he was very tired but I still talked with him for a little while and held his hand. When it was time for the nurses to help him I left and went to have lunch with my mom at her office. After that my step dad and I went to see my Grandpa one more time so I could say goodbye and hug my Grandma one more time. Then I started my journey home after a whirlwind, emotional trip. I was very worried that Dani wasn’t going to do well with me being gone, but she did great and I am thankful for everyone who prayed for her while I was gone.
The big girls had a great time at VBS while I was gone and during the rest of the week once I was home. The theme was Space and the Bible passage that it focused on was Genesis 1. Nadia told me over and over that even though she loved the skit, she missed me being one of the characters. I told her that maybe next year I would return to all my VBS activities of the past. I am thankful for all the members of our church who give their time and energy to make VBS happen each year.
This was one of the many places I found Dani exploring over the course of the week. The end is almost here!! WOO HOO!!!