This year we had Amelie’s birthday party at a skating rink called Rollerland, which worked out great because we could invite entire families and have air conditioning for Dani. It was nice to see the kids of all ages out on the rink having a good time. Several parents skated too, which was great to see. Rollerland has some cool walker type contraptions to help the kids who didn’t know how to skate.

After lots of skating it was time to sing Happy Birthday to Amelie and then do the Hokey Pokey. I love how she covered her ears at the beginning of the video.

This game was called “Dead Bug” and when they stopped the music the kids had to lay on the rink and scream like a bug. The loudest one got a glow stick necklace. It was really fun to watch.

We had a wonderful time at the roller-skating rink with so many friends. I forgot to try and get a group shot, but I am thankful for everyone that joined us for Amelie’s party.