As usual this post is for our regular readers, but especially for any spica cast families who find our blog. There is no reason to sugar coat it, week 2 was rough. The entire family was sleep deprived which isn’t good on a normal week. Dani was angry, frustrated and moody, but who could blame her? She had several bouts of pure frustration that lead to serious screaming and we had to give her some of the Valium the hospital sent home just to calm her down. We had settled into our routine of care for her which included checking her Poise pad every two hours or so to try and prevent leaks which would just add to the stink of the cast.

I was beyond grateful that our friends had set up a care calendar for a couple of weeks worth of meals. Everyone brought enough food that we had it for dinner the first night and leftovers the next day. We could have gotten out of the house but it was a relief to not have to think about what I was going to cook. Several people offered to come over and do our laundry, but that was one thing I could keep up with being at home all day.

We walked the mall several times since it’s nice and cold inside. We turned around one time to see the girls like this which was so sweet.
Brickle block fun including use as a hair brush.
Nadia and Amelie had fun playing outside with water.
This photo made me so happy because it showed our happy Dani returning to us. It had been so heartbreaking to see her so sad and frustrated.