By week three we had finally settled into a routine and cast-care didn’t seem so overwhelming anymore. Dani was still waking up 5-6 times a night screaming, but she was getting back to sleep faster and the older girls were sleeping through it. So Mike and I were still sleep deprived, but at least it wasn’t the entire family. Dani wasn’t in pain at all anymore and would sit in her special spica chair for hours every day playing. She enjoyed being up and about and able to see everyone, and the older girls could play with her because the tray was so large. We spent most of the time at home again, but went out now and then for a change of scenery.

Mike’s office sent Dani a cake pop bouquet from Lulu Pops by Lina. They were fantastic and adorable.
Mikey and April from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Notice the heels 🙂
Our friends Sarah and JD invited us over for lunch on Memorial Day and we had a blast. We packed up Dani’s TARDIS and headed over there. We had been cooped up in the house and it was so nice to get out and the girls all had fun playing.