Dani’s two week check up at Texas Scottish Rite was May 22, 2014. Once we were checked in they sent us over to radiology for an x-ray and the best thing was that Dani didn’t cry or scream or anything. PROGRESS! After the x-ray we were shown to our room to meet with the doctors and they ended up telling us that everything looked great! Dr. Birch spoke with us again about how everything went as well as it could have and what it would be like when the cast came off. He also told us that unless anything drastic happened they wouldn’t need to see us until the day surgery to remove the cast.
The funny part of the day was when Dr. Miller asked us if the radiology person put a crescent shaped shield on Dani for the x-ray and then they showed us the x-ray. Mike reached down the back of the cast and pulled out this:
It was a hair bow from a magnetic doll set. HA!

I wanted to get a photo of Dani with Dr. Birch and she was happy while he was talking to her, but she turned suspicious when he took her from Mike. The look on her face here makes me laugh. After the doctors left, one of the nurses came back in to let us know that we were scheduled for a day surgery on 7/7 to have the cast removed. They have to put her under anesthesia to remove the cast and check to see that the hip has set properly. If everything is good, then she wakes up and we are done for now. If not, they will put her in a new cast for 4 more weeks. We are praying that it will be over with and looking great on the first attempt. The entire visit was encouraging and that continues to make us love going to Scottish Rite.