Dani was really sad when she woke up on the second day after the surgery, and from everything the doctors and staff had said, I was expecting her to be very swollen and bruised when we got up that day. But even after a restless night, when they started coming in to check on her, medically she was doing great. She had no bruising and very little swelling. Nurse Rebekah told me to go down for breakfast and she would stay in the room with Dani, so I thanked her and headed down for some bacon and biscuits. When I returned Dr. Miller had just checked on her and he asked me if I wanted to go home today because she was doing so well. I almost jumped up and down with excitement when I said yes. I told him it would be much better to be home and dealing with a sad kid than in the hospital. He said Dr. Birch was going to check in again and then they would clear us to leave. I told Mike right away and he started getting the girls ready to come up and get us, and I started packing up our room.
After Dani had breakfast and they gave her the all clear to leave, I got her dressed. She watched Mulan while I finished getting our stuff together. Mike arrived and we waited on the final paperwork and Nurse Rebekah brought two red wagons to get us to the car. And I totally regret not getting a photo of Dani with Nurse Rebekah – she was so wonderful!

Here she is really sad and confused in the car because she was still in pain and I am sure she thought the harness was strange. We needed to get a bean bag chair for her to sleep in so we headed to Target to try one out.

After picking up a few things at Target we headed home and I was so happy to take a nap in my own bed. SO.HAPPY!!!! One of the best things about going home early was that we weren’t going to have to criss-cross the town multiple times to get Amelie to her first ballet recital. She was so excited to wear her new costume and to wear make up. Roger, Paula and Grammie joined Nadia and I in the audience to watch Amelie perform while Mike stayed home with Dani.

Amelie did a wonderful job and we went through the drive-thru at In-N-Out on the way home. I was ready to sleep for about a year after the last four days, ending with such a long final day.