Dani had a great first night considering the nurse came in the room to check vitals and change her diaper every two hours. Both of us slept in between the interruptions and Dani didn’t really cry, she just whimpered a little and held my hand while the diapers were being changed. Around 8 am different staff members showed up to check on her and they were all very impressed. I think that due to all the stuff she had to have done they expected her to be much worse off, but she is a trooper. The pain medicine obviously made her drowsy, but she still managed to smile and wave at the people going in and out to check on her.
The nurse decided that she was ready to eat so I ordered her some juice and cheerios as a starter meal. As you can tell from the photo she was a happy girl and couldn’t get them in her mouth fast enough. Dani watched a little TV while I read a book until Mike arrived. Our friend Sarah had the girls and was going to keep them for the day in addition to taking them to another friend’s birthday party. My cousin Jen, her husband Chris and their kiddos were coming to town for a wedding and so I invited them to swing by the hospital to say hi. I REALLY wanted to see their new little girl Olivia who had been born in December.
Cute little second cousins meeting for the first time.
Joshua and Caleb – cute as can be!!!

After Jen and Chris left we just hung out in the room and Dani got a little nap. I ran out to get myself some lunch and a breather from the hospital room. After a while Mike headed out to fight the traffic across the metroplex and pick up the girls so they could come up to the hospital. At that point nurse Rebekah said that Dani could go for a walk in one of the red wagons, so we piled up the pillows and off we went. I used this time to do the “Walk For Life” that I had taken pledges for since there would be no way I would be at the official walk on Saturday morning.
Dani was smiling and waving at people and pointing out things all over the hospital. We spoke with families who had surgeries done the day before and wandered all the halls. I ended up walking two miles instead of one. 🙂 They also asked us if they could take some photos of Dani in the red spica cast for publicity, and I said of course. Then they asked if I would be in them too, and again I said yes. Dani had mac-n-cheese for dinner and you could tell she was really excited about it. With as much as she loves to eat, she hadn’t had much at all for two days.
The surgeons came to check on Dani several times and continued to marvel at how well she was doing and so they went ahead and removed her epidural. That was a great relief for me because it showed she was managing her pain better and that it was two less machines that were going to beep all night long. After miserable hours of traffic, Mike returned with the girls for a little visit before heading home. Once Mike left, Dani started to moan and cry and beat on the cast in frustration. This went on until about 11 pm and all the while the night nurse was saying ridiculous stuff to me about how I should be with Dani. I was VERY frustrated and just about to ask for a different nurse when she finally got the hint that she was pissing me off and left the room. I really, really prefer to be patient with people, but it’s not realistic to expect a newly adopted child to act like people’s biological children. And I can’t stand people giving me unsolicited parenting advice or telling me what they think I should do with my newly adopted child. Mind your own business! Then Dani and I settled in for another long night due to the noise of being in a hospital.
**PS. I just want to say that Scottish Rite has just about the most amazing staff I have ever come in contact with. We have never experienced anything like what the night nurse said to me. Maybe she was just ignorant of adoption (which is fine), or maybe people just let her talk to them like that. Either way, a little more sensitivity is in order when parents are stressed and worried about their kids.