The Dallas Arboretum plants over 500,000 spring bulbs each year in preparation for the Blooms event and the display is amazing. Here are just a few of my favorite photos from our day.
Our Family Blog – Mike, Louanne, Nadia, Amelie, & Dani
This Easter I have the same message as I did the last – in fact the only thing different is that last Easter we didn’t have a clue we would be adding another child to our family 🙂
Easter is the most important holiday even though it has been covered over via bunnies, eggs and chocolate. It’s about the most amazing thing ever done in the history of the world. The horror of the crucifixion has past and Jesus rose from the dead fulfilling all of God’s promises from the Old Testament. It’s a gift for all – freely given if you only believe.
Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
Joy to the World, He is Risen.
While the Petermans were here the Dallas Blooms event was going on so we made plans to see the flowers and attempt photos with the kids. First off, the flowers were amazing and I loved the tulips so much!!!! I am going to do a separate post just to put the flower photos in because they are so pretty. Dani was so upset at any movement towards group photos and pretty much stayed cranky the entire day, but we just rolled her along in the wagon and continued on our way.
And now for my favorite photo of the day – Mike and Randy. After all the flowers and girly stuff they did this for me. Total awesomeness!