Amelie, Dani, Grandma Linda and Nadia before the egg hunt.
Mike’s mom’s health has been declining over the last year and we have had her on the waiting list at various nursing homes. A bed became available at the beginning of April at the place we liked the best when we went on tours earlier in the year. The place is small and they have a very nice staff, many of whom have worked there for a long time. The residents seemed happier and not just sitting in their room, but out and engaged. We scrambled to get her over there and settled, but she got the available bed, which was a relief for us. The place was planning an egg hunt the day after we moved her, so I thought it would be fun to dress the girls up and take them over and get Linda out of her room. They had invited the residents’ families, but when we showed up, it seemed to be only our kids and the staff’s kids. They had an egg hunt for the 4 and under and then one for the 5 and up. Amelie and Dani went first and they even had a woman bring a live bunny that the little kids could pet.
I only had to show Dani one time what to do and she grabbed the bag out of my hand and was off collecting them herself.

After the little kids were finished we moved to the front of the building where they had a bigger hunt set up for the big kids. Nadia really had to compete because she was so small compared to the other kids. A couple of the women who helped hide the eggs and toys got frustrated that Nadia kept getting knocked out of the way by the bigger kids so they went ahead and got stuff first and put it all in Nadia’s basket which made me laugh.

Love this photo of the girls. Thanks to Nonni and Grandpa Brian for the matching dresses. So sweet.