We have some friends we met through the adoption community who have a little girl who is 6 months older than Nadia. When we met online we figured out that we were in the same province at the same time in 2007 and even stayed at the same places, but never met. Of course this was back when there were a lot more adoptions from China each year. It has been fun to become friends in real life even though they live in another city. Rieley was about to turn 8 and her parents were going to bring her to Dallas for “Disney on Ice,” and they invited Nadia to go along and celebrate with them. We were so happy that we were going to be home from China in time for Nadia to go on this “big girl” adventure. Tim, Kathy and Rieley came by the house first to meet Dani and then they were off to the show. Kathy said the girls had a blast and the show was great (Nadia talked about it for DAYS).
Tim and Kathy – Thank you so much for including Nadia in the fun.
Dani playing with Mike’s truck from when he was 1 year old. So cute.
Amelie playing with her food.

After the show we met up for dinner at Niki’s Italian and it was delicious as always. The girls told us about the show and the parents visited. Near the end of our meal a guy dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow came in and sat down to eat by himself. Nadia wanted to say hi and ask him if we was a “good pirate or bad pirate” and he told her that he was good. I thought she might like a photo with him, but I think she got embarrassed. After we said our goodbyes to the Easons we headed home where Mike introduced Dani to an important part of life. 😉